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Illumination of flat backgrounds and/or Chromakey backgrounds cannot be described as creative subject. It is purely technical. But, when technical aspects are well managed, creative aspects also find their place!
moreThe ceiling light has been conceived for lighting of office rooms, for video conferences, for webcasts and teleconferencing.
moreDedocolor Multicolor Panel Brochure. Dedocolor multicolor LED panels incorporate a RGBWW LED (RBG + two white sources daylight and tungsten). Each color can be individually adjusted to generate 16.7 million colors in total.
moreThe DLED10 lights are extremely powerful compact and versatile. These totally new dedolight LED lights offer: Compact construction, Aspherical optics, Perfect performance, Perfect light distribution, Perfect color, Super quiet, innovative cooling system
moreThe DLED12 lights are extremely powerful compact and versatile. These new dedolight LED lights offer: Daylight or Bicolor, DMX Control, Compact construction, Aspherical optics, Perfect performance, Perfect light distribution, Perfect color, Super quiet, innovative cooling system
morededolight Studio fixture, also useful for mobile drama, the most powerful of our focusing LED lights
morededolight motorized stud for Eflect reflectors • Technical Data Sheet
morededolight DPB70-2.5K Parallel Beam Lightt Head • Technical Data Sheet
morededolight DTneo Intelligent LED Control Unit • Technical Data Sheet
moreEFLECT - Reflections and Effect • Creation - Emotion - Endless Variations Endless Multitude of Mirrors, small and large on bendable/shapable carrier material allows the creation of endless variety of amazing and surprising effects.
morededolight forensic brochure, the product portfolio of forencis dedolights covers a broad range of intensities and spectras.
morededolight’s Academy awarded optical achievements provide higher efficiency, which puts us in a class of its own regarding media green tech and ecology.
morededolight Parallel Beam • Infinity Lighting, with DPB70 or parallel beam intensifier
moreLED focusing Ledzilla light head with integrated controls. This is the smallest focusable light source on the market.
moreFor the multitude of our reflectors and mounting accessories we have a rich choice of bags, carry-bags, soft cases and hard cases.
moreWith the dedolight Lightstream brochure we will mainly concentrate on various aspects of reflected light.
moreHow do you determine the correct glove size? A little guide to determine the correct size.
moreA detailed description of how to use the SCLEAN kit
moreThe dedolight Lightstream Lite brochure, a reflector system for the solo creator.
morededolight architectural and display – DLAD The design of this new series incorporates three dedicated optical functions in one looke and gives the option of several light sources.
moreDedo Weigert Film are excited to introduce the next generation of their LED precision lighting instruments: dedolight neo.
moreRETHINKING REFLECTED LIGHT The new eFlector system is the textural equivalent of diffusion.
morededolight news brochure, the latest innovations of our dedolight products.
moreIn photography there are many reasons to use flashguns, which are great if you only want to see what your lighting looks like after taking a shot. If you want to see what your shot will look like while you compose it in the viewfinder or on a viewing screen, then you have to go for continuous light.
moreThe additional optical attachments for the Prolycht lights allow the application of the dedolight Lightstream procedures, the transition into the world of reflected light.
moreThe Tabletop Basic Kit is available as bicolor and daylight versions. Many parts for even more possibilities. All in one convenient case.
moreThis remarkable battery offers the perfect compromise as portable equipment with maximum output. Even a Dedolight Lightstream PB70 light with 1200 W can be used over 50 minutes continuously – no problem when switching on (inrush current).
moreAll Felloni lights of the new generation have in common: highest color quality, new mounting of accessories, new accessories.
moreThe successor to the world-renowned original Felloni – High Quality Color
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dedolight forensic and special applications, infrared, ultraviolet and special colors light heads
moreComplete Schneider Kreuznach Photo Optics (B+W Filter) Price List
moreOperating instructions for the DLH400D daylight light head and the DEB400D control unit.
morededolight DLED4 Series Light Head and Power Supplies User Manual
moreOperating instructions for the DLH1200D daylight light head and the DEB1200D control unit.
moreBenutzerhandbuch für die DTneo Stromversorgung und den Leuchtenkopf. Vorabversion in deutsch!
moreA short instruction manual explaining how to use the Felloni DMX Dimming Box module